
fresh from my pen - holy fuck

for the may issue of la record of the toronto band holy fuck.

fresh from my pen - hunter s. thompson

this will hopefully be appearing in a near future issue of la record. it would accompany a piece written about the possibilities of hunter having been "deep throat". the text is hunter's suicide note in it's entirety. (click image to read)

this one finally found a home. (yaaaay!!!)
i did the layout for the new brian ellis poetry book called "uncontrolled experiments in freedom", put out by write bloody publishing, and the quote he picked at the the beginning of the book was the last line to hunter's suicide note. sooooo, i included the drawing into the book. worked out quite nice.
enjoy (again).

filler photo

a one year old me. camera shy?

sketchbook scans v.01

new ongoing feature of random sketches.

fresh from my pen - indian jewelry

recent illustration for the april issue of la record of the band indian jewelry.